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Chicago (January 7, 2020) — VelocityEHS, the global leader in cloud-based environment, health, safety (EHS) and sustainability solutions, is reminding employers in the United States of OSHA’s annual Recordkeeping Standard deadline. By February 1, covered employers must complete Form 300A and post the summary of serious injuries and illnesses from the previous year in a location that is clearly visible to all employees and new applicants, and keep it posted until April 30. VelocityEHS is helping safety professionals better understand their reporting obligations with a variety of resources available to help them stay in compliance.

OSHA’s Recordkeeping Standard has undergone a number of updates in recent years, especially those concerning the agency’s Electronic Reporting Rule. As a result, employers unfamiliar with the changes and how they affect their business are encouraged to attend VelocityEHS’ popular live webinar, “OSHA’s Recordkeeping Standard: Your Guide to Compliance,” on January 9, 2020 from 11 a.m. – 12 p.m. ET. Offered to the public at no additional cost, the webinar provides a comprehensive review of the most recent updates to the Recordkeeping Standard, current Electronic Reporting applicability and due dates, as well as best practices for ensuring compliance. Attendees get a look at the nuances and challenges of recordkeeping – including detailed discussion of how to determine if injuries and illnesses are recordable – and an opportunity to have their questions directly addressed by our EHS experts. Those unable to attend the live webinar broadcast can also watch an on-demand version.

Also available from VelocityEHS is its OSHA Recordkeeping Infographic, which helps EHS professionals quickly and easily determine which workplace incidents are OSHA recordable or reportable, what next steps need to be taken, and when.

Those looking for a more comprehensive way to record detailed incident information, generate regulatory documents and more easily file electronic submissions should consider comprehensive cloud software. VelocityEHS’ easy-to-use  Incident Management software helps streamline the reporting process by enabling users to generate the injury and illness summaries you are required to post on-site each February, as well as quickly complete the necessary forms to meet the electronic submission requirements via OSHA’s Injury Tracking Application (ITA). In addition, the award-winning VelocityEHS Mobile App makes it easier to manage workplace incidents by engaging front-line workers to instantly report accidents, near misses and hazards as they occur – with or without internet connectivity – via a smartphone or tablet device for faster, more detailed and accurate accounts of reportable incidents.

For more information about VelocityEHS and its full suite of award-winning EHS products and services, visit

About VelocityEHS
Trusted by more than 18,000 customers worldwide, VelocityEHS helps you reach your EHS goals faster with quick implementations, affordable solutions and unparalleled customer support. We deliver a comprehensive cloud-based environment, health and safety (EHS) software platform. Our easy-to-use software applications are designed based on industry best-practice principles to help you solve complex business challenges in simple ways. Recognized by the EHS industry’s top independent analysts, including leading scores in the Verdantix 2019 Green Quadrant Analysis, VelocityEHS is the global leader in cloud EHS software solutions.

VelocityEHS is headquartered in Chicago, Illinois, with locations in Ann Arbor, Michigan; Tampa, Florida; Oakville, Ontario; London, England; and Perth, Western Australia. For more information, visit