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Simplify Global Emissions Tracking with Air Emissions Software

Compliance with air emissions standards can be a logistical nightmare and an incredible drain on your time and resources. VelocityEHS Air Emissions software gives you powerful monitoring, analysis and reporting capabilities, without the headaches of other systems’ more costly, time-consuming, and consultant-focused implementation models.

Coco Checkmark White Web  Streamline emissions data collection and access

Coco Checkmark White Web  Calculate emissions in real time with custom formulas

Coco Checkmark White Web  Simplify emissions reporting with direct exports

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Air emissions billow from two industrial smoke stacks.

The Velocity Air Emissions Solution simplifies emissions monitoring, calculation and reporting with capabilities that scale to handle every application, from simple pollution tracking to Title V permit compliance.

Core Capabilities

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CEMS Data Logging and Calculation

Streamline your continuous emissions monitoring.

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Major Source Emissions Compliance, e.g. Title V

Satisfy rigorous compliance reporting responsiblities.

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Powerful Hybrid Calculation Engine

Automatically convert collected data to preferred measurement system.

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Fully Customizable and Exportable Reporting

Provide transparency across company and supply chain.

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Theoretical Emissions Modelling, e.g. PTE

Run sophisticated analysis of potential system changes.

CEMS Data Logging and Calculation

Streamline your continuous emissions monitoring.

Major Source Emissions Compliance, e.g. Title V

Satisfy rigorous compliance reporting responsiblities.

Powerful Hybrid Calculation Engine

Automatically convert collected data to preferred measurement system.

Fully Customizable and Exportable Reporting

Provide transparency across company and supply chain.

Theoretical Emissions Modelling, e.g. PTE

Run sophisticated analysis of potential system changes.

VelocityEHS Environmental Compliance Software

Video length: 1 minute 51 seconds


The EHS & ESG Journey

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Benefits of VelocityEHS
Air Emissions Software

Simplified Data

  • Enter CEMS data real-time via OSIsoft© PI
  • Instantly upload data from PDF collection forms
  • Get mobile access anywhere, anytime
  • Easily import historical data from legacy systems

Real-Time Monitoring
& Calculation

  • Map emission units, control equipment & sources
  • Access full equation library & custom formula builder
  • Easily manage factor changes
  • Get alerts for permit exceedances, approaching limits, etc.

Streamlined Emissions

  • Use with numerous reporting frameworks
  • Simplify custom analytics with Report Wizard
  • Directly export to CEDRI/CDX, TCEQ STEERS, & more

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Prevent Harm

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Drive Engagement

Reduce training time and simplify complex tasks with in-app guides.

Save Time

Free managers from tedious administration with centralized controls.

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Be Predictive

Anticipate & address risk with real-time data you can trust.

Increase Visibility

Unite every level of your organization via shared dashboards & reports.

Embrace Innovation

Harness machine learning + AI & automation to deliver expert-level results, faster.

Continue reading about VelocityEHS Air Emissions Software

Features & Benefits

Simplified Data Collection

  • OSIsoft© PI Interface automates data transfer from your remote monitoring and control equipment
  • Generate custom PDF data collection forms that let you instantly upload field monitoring data to your emissions database in real-time
  • Mobile access allows you to record emissions data anywhere, anytime using your tablet or smartphone
  • Easily import historic emissions data from your existing systems to get you up and running faster

Real-Time Monitoring & Calculation

  • Emissions flow modeling lets you map emission units, monitor & control equipment, and emission sources for sophisticated emissions tracking
  • Quickly evaluate the performance, calibration, and operability of monitoring and control equipment, and utilize data scrubbing features to eliminate faulty or biased data
  • Hybrid equation engine lets you create, modify and manage custom formulas while giving you out-of-the-box access to an extensive library of industry-standard equations
  • Utilize industry and site-specific emission factor libraries, apply dynamic conversion factors, and create operating scenarios to manage factor changes over time
  • Receive alerts when data falls outside accepted ranges or approaches permit limits

Effortless Compliance Reporting

  • Supports an extensive range of global air emissions monitoring and reporting requirements from simple emission factor calculations to complex emissions inventories, emissions trading programs, sustainability reporting, and major source permit compliance
  • Report Wizard helps you create customized reports with multiple file export options
  • Export emissions data for direct submission to EPA’s CEDRI/CDX, TCEQ STEERS, and other emission reporting interfaces
  • Reporting automation features allow fast and easy submission of emissions data to EPA’s TRI-MEweb

Challenge & Solution

Businesses all around the world are required to record and submit air emissions data that regulators use to evaluate the industry’s impact on environmental quality. Invalid, inaccurate, or missing data can result in substantial penalties for permit and reporting violations, increased scrutiny from regulators, damage to the environment, and a diminished corporate reputation that can affect your business for years to come.

Maintaining compliance with global air emissions regulations and emissions trading programs, GHG reporting requirements, and other environmental management standards like ISO 14001 can be a logistical nightmare. It requires the constant, precise monitoring of each emissions source throughout your facilities, often on a minute-by-minute basis. For large facilities with numerous emission sources, demonstrating system-wide compliance can require tracking vast amounts of data and performing countless complex calculations every day.

Manually performing all of the complex calculations required for accurate emissions reporting can be an incredible drain on your time and resources. As a result, many companies end up relying upon expensive outside consultants to keep reporting programs running and in compliance. There are software systems available on the market that can help simplify your emissions data entry and compliance reporting, but most are often time-consuming to implement and come with a hefty price tag.

The Simple Solution

VelocityEHS Air Emissions capabilities give you a centralized, cloud-based system for recording and analyzing air emissions data from all sources across your entire enterprise — performing complex emissions calculations in real-time to give you the most accurate, up-to-date monitoring capabilities available. It’s the fast and easy way to simplify compliance with a wide variety of local, federal, and international air quality standards.

VelocityEHS makes it easy to generate and submit your emissions reporting data to a wide range of electronic emissions reporting systems with just a few clicks, and create custom reports to help document compliance with major source air emissions permits, emissions inventory requirements, GHG reporting programs, and environmental management standards like ISO 14001.

Our solution’s unique hybrid calculation engine offers the flexibility to create your own custom emissions formulas, while also giving you access to a full library of pre-built industry standard calculations. Industry and site-specific emissions factor libraries allow you quickly select and apply the correct conversion factors to calculate emissions from virtually any type of fuel or emissions source under a wide range of environmental and operational parameters. Full equation stamping of each calculation simplifies the verification and auditing process to ensure your emissions data is accurate and in compliance with approved methods and standards.

VelocityEHS Air Emissions gives you powerful monitoring, analysis, and reporting capabilities without the headaches caused by other systems’ more costly, time-consuming, and consultant-focused implementations. That means you can have our solution up and running faster, and without the need for third-party personnel to operate and maintain your software.

The Value of VelocityEHS

Helping You Be Better

Our Air Emissions capabilities help you better manage the risks to your business and the environment. With more streamlined and effective emissions monitoring and reporting, you can spend less time worrying about compliance, and more time focusing on your business goals. Our solution eliminates the day-to-day burdens of collecting, calculating, and organizing your emissions data so you can focus on being a more effective EHS and ESG leader.

Delivering Value

Our Air Emissions capabilities were designed with industry best practices and continuous feedback from customers like you. This deep understanding of the complex challenges that come with accurate emissions monitoring and reporting has helped us create a solution that delivers the most value to you and your business. Our easy-to-use, easy-to-access cloud capabilities are more affordable, quicker, and easier to implement and offer the simplest user experience for you and your employees.

Solving Complex Problems Simply

By leveraging our EHS and ESG expertise and knowledge of industry best practices, we’ve created Air Emissions capabilities that provide the simplest, most engaging user experience. Our simple and intuitive design means you spend less time using the software, giving you more time to focus on reaching your goals. We believe simplicity is paramount to your success.

Providing Personalized Service and Support

We measure our success by that of our customers. That’s why we believe it’s not about selling you software, but about forging a strong partnership focused on personalized service, support, and expert advice. Our Air Emissions capabilities are backed by our team of experts who will give you personalized attention to help you achieve your goals faster. It’s this responsiveness that sets us apart and why more than 10 million users worldwide continue to trust and rely on our software solutions.

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