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Standardize your JSA Process with Job Safety Analysis Software

Create a standardized JSA process that works for your organization. Ensure data accuracy and easily identify and calculate risk to prevent injuries and illnesses for workers.

Job Safety Analysis software, part of VelocityEHS Operational Risk, helps you efficiently manage the entire JSA process across locations – to accurately identify hazards to your workers, easily verify controls and prevent dangerous and costly incidents from occurring.

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JSA Core Capabilities

Configurable JSA Template

Base Control Library

Standardized Worksheets

Hazard and Control Trending

Risk Reduction Action Items

Auto Risk Calculation

Configurable JSA Template

Base Control Library

Standardized Worksheets

Hazard and Control Trending

Risk Reduction Action Items

Auto Risk Calculation

Getting More from Your JSA Process

The new Job Safety Analysis (JSA) capability in VelocityEHS Operational Risk is designed to standardize JSA across your locations, simplifying and streamlining this essential safety and risk management process to help you get more from much less effort.

Watch the quick video to learn more.

VelocityEHS Job Safety Analysis (JSA) Software

Video length: 1 minute, 34 seconds

Benefits of VelocityEHS
Job Safety Analysis (JSA) Software

Standardized JSA

  • Reduce data variability with JSA templates configured to your organization’s process
  • Determine severity, likelihood, number of people involved and exposure of identified hazards
  • Create a library of base controls with associated risk reduction factors
  • Assign actions & automate notifications for deadlines.

Improved Data Accuracy & Utilization

  • Reduce data entry errors, create consistency, improve efficiency
  • Identify trends in hazards and controls across all tasks and locations
  • Auto-calculate risk score from entered hazards and risk reduction factors
  • Get better insight into risk control strategy

Greater Visibility &

  • Get real-time visibility into the status of ongoing JSAs, hazard assessments and action items
  • Customize dashboards to display specific safety metrics
  • Boost collaboration with unlimited users & worksheets

Computer with JSA Software on the screen

JSA Software Helps Solve the Puzzle of Risk


Download now to see how to make this risk analysis process simpler, faster & more valuable for your organization.

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Job Safety Analysis (JSA) FAQ

What is a Job Safety Analysis (JSA)?

A job safety analysis (JSA), also known as a job hazard analysis (JHA), is a way of finding and fixing uncontrolled hazards to prevent injuries and illnesses. It involves breaking down work into job tasks and paying close attention to employees as they perform the tasks, use tools, and interact with the work environments. Once hazards are identified, you can then initiate corrective actions to reduce risk.

Why are JSAs important?

If you don’t know the hazards your employees face in their daily tasks, how can you keep them safe? Performing JSAs, keeping them updated and sharing results with workers is essential to reducing risks. Both employers and employees benefit. For instance, JSAs help to:

  • Reduce workplace injuries and illnesses
  • Lower workers compensation costs
  • Increase productivity and cut lost time
  • Improve employee health and satisfaction
  • Meet regulatory requirements related to identification and control of occupational risks

How do you perform a JSA?

There are several steps to performing a job safety analysis, but they all align to the basic risk management functions of identifying hazards, assessing those hazards, and determining and implementing the appropriate controls to minimize risk to workers and the business. These steps include:

  1. Identify the jobs performed in your workplace
  2. Breakdown each job into its constituent tasks or individual actions required to complete the job
  3. List each job task and ALL potential hazards that could arise during performance of each individual task
  4. Assess the initial risk of each job task hazard, including a qualitative or semi-quantitative evaluation of the severity and likelihood of potential incidents that could occur during each job task
  5. Consult with a broad group of affected stakeholders to consider potential risk controls that will most effectively minimize or eliminate the hazards encountered during that task using the NIOSH Hierarchy of Controls (elimination, substitution, engineering, administrative, PPE) as a guide
  6. Select the most effective and feasible control options and implement those controls
  7. Evaluate the effectiveness of implemented controls and record the residual risk in your JSA

It should be noted that once you have performed the initial risk assessment, you will be able to rank and prioritize jobs for review, focusing on new jobs, high risk jobs and non-routine jobs first, then addressing jobs in order of decreasing priority. Always perform a JSA for new jobs and remember to review your JSAs at least annually or whenever there is an incident with consideration for any changes to jobs which could introduce unforeseen job hazards and to evaluate long-term control effectiveness.

Who should perform a JSA?

A multi-disciplinary team (EHS, supervisors, production, maintenance, operations, quality, etc.) should perform the JSA to get thorough descriptions of the tasks and associated hazards. A key factor is that the front-line workers who regularly conduct the relevant job tasks should participate on the JSA team, since they have the most critical working knowledge of the tasks and their hazards. Once the JSA is complete, the supervisor should incorporate the use of JSAs in their on-the-job training program to increase awareness of hazards and controls for all workers that may perform the job tasks covered in the JSAs.

What is the benefit of digital JSA over a paper-based method?

Using paper to manage the JSA process is inefficient and puts your information at risk of being lost, they are difficult to update, potentially impossible to access in a timely manner, and almost impossible to learn from if they are filed away or just sit in a binder on a shelf. Managing and tracking the process is arduous in a paper system, and it’s much harder to access and use the JSAs as they’re intended to be used, for improving awareness and management of workplace risks. Additionally, use of paper systems tends to create too much variability and inaccuracies for the JSAs to be of real value. If you ask 10 different people to develop a JSA for a job in the absence of additional information and support, you’ll likely get 10 very different JSAs. One reason is that different people may not consistently identify the same hazards, may select different controls, or may differently assess and apply the risk reduction factors associated with those controls.

Paper-based JSAs used to be the main method to conduct this essential safety task, but luckily, that is no longer the case, and certainly is not the best practice. Modern, digitized JSA capabilities solve many of the challenges that are common in paper-based JSA systems. Digital JSA capabilities offer a common template for conducting JSAs and a library of base controls and associated risk reduction factors, and automatically apply the correct factors when calculating risk scores. Your organization will have the consistent data it needs on both hazards and controls, and you’ll be able to manage the entire process from a single dashboard, with better data to gain insights about your workplace hazards, the controls the organization relies on, and a method to verify and determine the effectiveness of risk controls.

How is JSA software more effective than using spreadsheets?

Using job safety analysis software when performing and documenting JSAs enhances transparency, drives visibility and accountability, and facilitates hazard and control trending. This fosters a proactive safety culture and increases risk maturity in organizations.

With the right JSA software capability, you’ll be able to:

  • reduce manual data entry errors and version control problems that can occur with spreadsheets,
  • import existing data;
  • create consistency in the data being entered;
  • manage the job safety analysis process through a centralized dashboard;
  • schedule, assign and track associated actions and risk reduction activities; and
  • use the data to gain meaningful insights about your hazards and controls.

Which jobs should you focus on when developing JSAs?

According to guidance published by OSHA, you should prioritize completing JSAs for jobs with the following characteristics:

  • Highest injury or illness rates;
  • Potential for severe or disabling injuries or illnesses, even if there’s no prior history of serious incidents;
  • A single simple “human error” can lead to a severe accident or injury;
  • They’re new jobs for your worksite, or they’ve undergone major revisions; and
  • They’re complex enough to require written instructions.

How should we decide what goes into our JSA?

A good JSA process is a kind of investigation. You’re carefully reviewing job tasks to identify what can go wrong and how likely it is to go wrong, what factors might increase likelihood of adverse outcomes, the severity of the consequences, and which controls could reduce either the likelihood or the severity of outcome.

With that in mind, you’ll need to make sure your JSAs are capturing all of the relevant details to be effective, such as:

  • Where the job occurs;
  • What kinds of hazards are present (e.g., chemical exposures, noise, potential falls, etc.) and in which job tasks;
  • What outcomes could occur, and what risks levels do they have; and
  • What controls are present, and how effective are they at reducing risk

How can VelocityEHS help you with your JSAs?

The VelocityEHS Operational Risk Solution makes the JSA /JHA process faster, simpler and smarter.

Ditch paper and spreadsheets for a centralized software system that helps your team members easily document hazards and select controls, track corrective actions, and share results with other people — instantly. Standardized digital JSAs means more accurate, usable data to help your organization prioritize its safety and risk management efforts. Easy access to hazard information and preventive measures means a safer and more efficient workplace for everyone.

The Accelerate Platform is EHS & ESG done right.®

Built-in guides & training

Business intelligence & reporting

3rd-party integration ready

Accelerated time to value

All actions & tasks in one place

All-in-one Accelerate Platform on desktop with solution icons surrounding it

Auto-alerts, emails & texts

20+ languages

Cloud-based — easy to update

Dedicated customer support

GDPR & SOC 2 compliant

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