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Let Our History Inform Your Future EHS Success

When you join the VelocityEHS community, you are getting more than a software vendor. Our solutions are a highly curated collection of the industry’s best-in-class applications, created by pioneering companies in their fields, and backed by certified professionals with decades of expertise. Each one is carefully selected to deliver an uncompromising and delightful user experience.

Company Timeline Our Brands

Software cannot be embedded with expertise the maker does not have. But when innovation is guided by world-class practitioners, grounded in a mastery of process, and backed by data—the results can launch you into extraordinary places.

Velocity’s ranks include more certified experts by far than our next five competitors combined. You’ll find board certified ergonomists (CPEs), certified safety specialists (CSPs), certified industrial hygienists (CIHs), folks with masters or PhDs in public health, occupational health and safety, environmental law, industrial hygiene, and more. Like you, EHS is more than a job for us, it’s a calling. 

Company Timeline

Msdsonline Wordmark Cmyk

MSDSonline founded as a pioneer in online chemical management and becomes the industry leader for twenty years. The predecessor of Velocity’s Chemical Management Solution.

About MSDSonline >
Kmi Logo

MSDSonline acquires KMI, a Canadian based environmental, health and safety software company founded in 2005, renown for its elegance and simplicity. The predecessor of Velocity’s Safety Solution.

About KMI >
Velocityehs Logo Rgb

MSDSonline and KMI rebrand as VelocityEHS.

About VelocityEHS >

Acquires e3 Solutions’ products, adding Air Emissions, Water Quality and Waste Compliance products to its EHS software platform. The predecessor to Velocity’s Environmental Compliance Solution.

About e3 Solutions >

VelocityEHS is purchased by CVC Growth Partners, investor in businesses where technology is used as means to provide mission critical services to customers. €3bn assets under management.

Humantech Wordmark Rgb

Acquires Humantech, founded in 1979, the leading global ergonomics assessment and training solution provider specializing in industrial ergonomics, with the industry’s largest team of Board Certified Professional Ergonomists. The Predecessor to Velocity’s Ergonomics Solutions.

About Humantech >
Chemtel Wordmark Rgb

Acquires ChemTel, the industry-leading hazardous chemical transportation safety and compliance service provider founded in 1989.

About ChemTel >

Acquires Spiramid, founded in 2001 by a veteran Certified Industrial Hygienist (CIH) and Certified Safety Professional (CSP), turning its industry leading IH software into VelocityEHS Industrial Hygiene.

About Spiramid >
Meercat Riskview

Acquires Meercat, an Australian-based risk and control assurance software solution provider founded in 2002, with the industry’s best bowtie analysis. The predecessor to Velocity’s Operational Risk Solution.

About Meercat >
Onelook Systems Logo Rgb

Acquires OneLook Systems, founded in 2008, an Ireland-based enterprise safety and risk management software solution provider specializing in Control of Work and Permit to Work. The predecessor of Velocity’s Contractor Safety and Permit to Work Solution.

About OneLook Systems >
Kinetica Labs

Acquires Kinetica Labs, founded in 2016, to expand its industry leadership in innovative machine learning, AI, and mobile technology. Part of Velocity’s groundbreaking motion capture technology in the Velocity Ergonomics Solution.

About Kinetica Labs >
Myabilities Logo

Acquires two solutions, Job Analysis & Return-to-Work Management, from MyAbilities, a global innovator in smart health technology and workplace safety.

About My Abilities Solutions Acquisition>

Partners Group, one of the largest firms in the global private markets industry, managing $149B in assets, becomes minority owner alongside majority owner CVC.

Contractor Compliance Logo

Acquires Contractor Compliance, a Canadian-based enterprise safety and risk management software solution provider founded in 2015. Revolutionary rapid deployment model transforms Velocity’s Contractor Safety & Permit to Work Solution.

About Contractor Compliance >

Our Brands

chemistry set beakers


Established in 1996 in Chicago, IL and merged with KMI to form VelocityEHS in 2015. MSDSonline from the onset changed the way the companies managed safety data sheets and then transformed chemical management all together with innovations centered on secondary container labeling, inventory management, and compliance with the new GHS aligned HazCom Standard. MSDSonline is the predecessor to the Velocity Chemical Management Solution.

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Safety Jacket Icon


Established in 2005 in Oakville, Canada. Acquired by MSDSonline in 2014. Consolidated KMI brand with MSDSonline under the name VelocityEHS in 2015. Knowledge Management Innovations (KMI), one of the most respected global EHS Management Information Systems (EMIS) providers. With its focus on end-user adoption, KMI ushered an era of easy to implement, intuitive to use EHS software. KMI is the predecessor of the Velocity Safety Solution.

Read the press release.

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DNA Icon


Established in 2015 when MSDSonline, the industry leader in chemical management and KMI, the respected global EMIS provider, merged to create a new kind of EHS software company.

Read the press release.

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Environmental Compliance Icon

e3 Solutions

Established in 2005. Acquired by VelocityEHS in 2016. Based in Toronto, Canada, E3 Solutions created the most comprehensive suite of environmental solutions for Air Emissions, Water Quality and Waste Compliance. E3 is the predecessor to Velocity’s Environmental Compliance solution.

Read the press release. 

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Working Process Icon


Established in 1979. Acquired by Velocity in 2018. Humantech, based in Ann Arbor, Michigan, was the undisputed leader in Ergonomics consulting and software. Renown for its Learn, Do, Manage approach, and the industry’s largest and most respected team of Board Certified Ergonomists, it pioneered sensorless motion capture technology for ergonomics assessments. The Humantech solution is the predecessor of the Velocity Ergonomics Solution.

Read the press release.

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chemistry set beakers


Established in 1989. Acquired by VelocityEHS in 2019. Based in Tampa, Florida, Chem-Tel was the industry’s leading hazardous chemical transportation safety and compliance service provider. Key to companies that manufacture, handle and transport hazardous materials, is a 24-hour emergency response number necessary for compliance with Department of Transportation (DOT), OSHA and other regulatory requirements. Chem-Tel is the predecessor to Velocity’s Emergency Response Service.

Read the press release.

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Health and Wellness Icon


Established in 2001. Acquired by VelocityEHS in 2019. Spiramid was based in Virginia and was  the developer of the most advanced and easy-to-use system for managing industrial hygiene (IH). Spiramid is the predecessor to Velocity’s Industrial Hygiene Solutions.

Read the press release. 

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Operational Risk Icon


Established in 2002. Acquired by VelocityEHS in 2019. Meercat, based in Perth, Australia, developed a broad set of best-of-breed risk management capabilities like bowtie risk assessments, risk analysis and control assurance software. It is the predecessor to Velocity’s Operational Risk Solution.

Read the press release. 

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Control of Work Icon

OneLook Systems

Established in 2008. Acquired by VelocityEHS in 2021. Based in Cork, Ireland, OneLook Systems was an industry leading control of work solution with best-in-class capabilities for Permit-to-Work, Contractor Management and Lockout/Tagout. OneLook is the predecessor to Velocity’s Contractor Safety & Permit to Work Solution.

Read the press release. 

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Male icon pushing a flatbed cart

Kinetica Labs

Established in 2016. Acquired by VelocityEHS in 2021. Based out of Ann Arbor, Michigan, Kinetica Labs was a partner of Humantech (acquired by Velocity in 2018) and a pioneer in the development of sensing and simulation technology for occupational safety and health. Using artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning, its computer vision technology revolutionized  musculoskeletal disorder (MSD) risk assessments in the workplace. It is a key component of Velocity’s Industrial Ergonomics Solution.

Read the press release. 

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Control of Work Icon

Contractor Compliance

Established in 2015. Acquired by VelocityEHS in 2023. Based in Toronto, Canada, Contractor Compliance built a best-in-breed solution for simplifying the process of collecting, managing and requalifying third party contractor/supplier/vendor requirements. It is the predecessor to Velocity’s Contractor Safety & Permit to Work Solution.

Read the press release.

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Established in 1996 in Chicago, IL and merged with KMI to form VelocityEHS in 2015. MSDSonline from the onset changed the way the companies managed safety data sheets and then transformed chemical management all together with innovations centered on secondary container labeling, inventory management, and compliance with the new GHS aligned HazCom Standard. MSDSonline is the predecessor to the Velocity Chemical Management Solution.

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Established in 2005 in Oakville, Canada. Acquired by MSDSonline in 2014. Consolidated KMI brand with MSDSonline under the name VelocityEHS in 2015. Knowledge Management Innovations (KMI), one of the most respected global EHS Management Information Systems (EMIS) providers. With its focus on end-user adoption, KMI ushered an era of easy to implement, intuitive to use EHS software. KMI is the predecessor of the Velocity Safety Solution.

Read the press release.

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Established in 2015 when MSDSonline, the industry leader in chemical management and KMI, the respected global EMIS provider, merged to create a new kind of EHS software company.

Read the press release.

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e3 Solutions

Established in 2005. Acquired by VelocityEHS in 2016. Based in Toronto, Canada, E3 Solutions created the most comprehensive suite of environmental solutions for Air Emissions, Water Quality and Waste Compliance. E3 is the predecessor to Velocity’s Environmental Compliance solution.

Read the press release. 

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Established in 1979. Acquired by Velocity in 2018. Humantech, based in Ann Arbor, Michigan, was the undisputed leader in Ergonomics consulting and software. Renown for its Learn, Do, Manage approach, and the industry’s largest and most respected team of Board Certified Ergonomists, it pioneered sensorless motion capture technology for ergonomics assessments. The Humantech solution is the predecessor of the Velocity Ergonomics Solution.

Read the press release.

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Established in 1989. Acquired by VelocityEHS in 2019. Based in Tampa, Florida, Chem-Tel was the industry’s leading hazardous chemical transportation safety and compliance service provider. Key to companies that manufacture, handle and transport hazardous materials, is a 24-hour emergency response number necessary for compliance with Department of Transportation (DOT), OSHA and other regulatory requirements. Chem-Tel is the predecessor to Velocity’s Emergency Response Service.

Read the press release.

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Established in 2001. Acquired by VelocityEHS in 2019. Spiramid was based in Virginia and was  the developer of the most advanced and easy-to-use system for managing industrial hygiene (IH). Spiramid is the predecessor to Velocity’s Industrial Hygiene Solutions.

Read the press release. 

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Established in 2002. Acquired by VelocityEHS in 2019. Meercat, based in Perth, Australia, developed a broad set of best-of-breed risk management capabilities like bowtie risk assessments, risk analysis and control assurance software. It is the predecessor to Velocity’s Operational Risk Solution.

Read the press release. 

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OneLook Systems

Established in 2008. Acquired by VelocityEHS in 2021. Based in Cork, Ireland, OneLook Systems was an industry leading control of work solution with best-in-class capabilities for Permit-to-Work, Contractor Management and Lockout/Tagout. OneLook is the predecessor to Velocity’s Contractor Safety & Permit to Work Solution.

Read the press release. 

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Kinetica Labs

Established in 2016. Acquired by VelocityEHS in 2021. Based out of Ann Arbor, Michigan, Kinetica Labs was a partner of Humantech (acquired by Velocity in 2018) and a pioneer in the development of sensing and simulation technology for occupational safety and health. Using artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning, its computer vision technology revolutionized  musculoskeletal disorder (MSD) risk assessments in the workplace. It is a key component of Velocity’s Industrial Ergonomics Solution.

Read the press release. 

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Contractor Compliance

Established in 2015. Acquired by VelocityEHS in 2023. Based in Toronto, Canada, Contractor Compliance built a best-in-breed solution for simplifying the process of collecting, managing and requalifying third party contractor/supplier/vendor requirements. It is the predecessor to Velocity’s Contractor Safety & Permit to Work Solution.

Read the press release.

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