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Even if you have a control of work or a permit to work system in place, having a slow or disorganized one doesn’t help you much—and it can add risk into your workplace instead of control it. With so many moving pieces in the process of hiring contractors and managing permits for contractor projects, it can seem like there’s no clear path for making your system more efficient. 

Through the analogy of a gameboard (complete with PPE-fitted worker game pieces), our latest infographic explains the various burdens that can weigh on each step in your control of work process, starting before contractors even arrive on site. From contractor selection to site induction, all the way to the end of a project, follow the path laid out to see where you can streamline your contractor management to make each job more efficient and safer for employees.  

Download this new infographic to see where you may be getting weighed down in your process by these typical control of work burdens—and see how sleek and simple using an electronic control of work system can be!