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Whether you’re a seasoned Certified Industrial Hygienist or new to the field, our new VelocityEHS eBook “7 Steps to Industrial Hygiene Success” offers a comprehensive guide to implementing a process-based IH program management framework built on AIHA best practices. Dave Risi, CIH, CSP and Principal Solution Strategist for IH at VelocityEHS will be your guide, offering the most valuable insights gathered over his more than 30 years as both a CIH and developer of IH software technologies. You’ll get a detailed look at how to optimize the seven fundamental elements of an effective IH program, including:

  • Similar Exposure Groups (SEGs)
  • Qualitative Exposure Assessments (QEAs)
  • Sampling Plans
  • Lab Analysis
  • Data Analysis
  • Medical Surveillance
  • Evaluating and Communicating Performance

Download the eBook today to learn practical guidance on how to build, maintain and refine an IH program that safeguards worker health, while getting the most from your IH program investment.

IH 101: Introduction to Industrial Hygiene Program Management Webinar Series

For an even more in-depth analysis of the IH program management process, register for our ongoing IH 101: Introduction to Industrial Hygiene Program Management Webinar Series. Dave Risi will give you a step-by-step breakdown of the seven IH program elements and answer all your IH questions.

Click below to register for upcoming sessions!