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See the NEW 3D Motion Capture MSD Risk Assessment in VelocityEHS Industrial Ergonomics. Watch the video >

It’s National Safety Month, and today we’re spotlighting Ergonomics. Surprising health and safety statistics were revealed during the VelocityEHS virtual event: The Short Conference. Attendees were polled during the session “Restarting Work: Optimizing Human Performance” about the current state of its workplace injuries during and after COVID-19.

  • 89% of respondents reported their workers were experiencing the same to significantly more stress and muscular discomfort.
  • 95% said their workplace musculoskeletal disorders would either stay the same or increase.
  • 45% admitted that industrial ergonomics and reducing workplace MSDs was not part of its “Return to Work” playbook.

Visit our Blog to learn more about the conference and to access a recording of our session on Optimizing Human Performance. Once there, you can also download complimentary resources for improving home and workplace ergonomics, including our popular Work-from-Home Toolbox and our Restarting Work Toolbox.