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Download NAEM’s free guide to picking the right software for your business, the 2016 Strategies for a Successful EHS&S Software Selection.

Strategize a business case for software from the start to justify an implementation.

The National Association for Environmental Management (NAEM) has released a new White Paper for EHS professionals who are looking to purchase a new environmental, health, safety and sustainability (EHS&S) software system to aid in their compliance and sustainability efforts.

Containing helpful infographics, case studies and commentary from EHS and sustainability experts including Selin Jessani, Learning and Development Manager for VelocityEHS, Strategies for a Successful EHS&S Software Selection covers everything an EHS professional needs to consider when shopping for a new software system.

Data management is increasingly important to EHS&S leaders. Accurate metrics can help identify audit priorities, serve as an early warning of potential safety issues and ultimately, provide a tangible return on investment. Selecting a system to manage your EHS&S data is a commitment that will have long-term consequences for your business.

Many buyers start out with little idea of what they want a system to do, however. “For the buyer approaching the market, the options might seem overwhelming,” says Carol Singer Neuvelt, Executive Director of NAEM. “How do you even begin to sort and filter what you can have, let alone what it is that you actually need?”