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Product Name: Spider ILD 02 Mower

Description: The Spider ILD 02 is a radio-controlled slope mower. This radio-controlled machine is designed to maintain uneven and inaccessible terrain; the mower is able to drive onto slopes of up to 40˚ cutting foliage up to 10 ft tall with high-quality cuts. The Spider ILD is not only able to mow inaccessible and uneven terrain but its performance is comparable to the industries best mowers on flat terrain. The versatility of this machine makes it applicable to a variety of areas such as parks, golf courses, roads, military, agricultural and farming areas, and others.

Ergonomic Benefits and Features:

  • Eliminates the ergonomic risk related to pushing a mower in the following body areas:
    • – Wrist
    • – Elbows
    • – Shoulders
    • – Back
    • – Minimizes the risk of slipping, tripping, or falling
    • – Enables the operator to control the mower with controls attached to their body within the comfort zone for precision work, 40˚ to 51˚ above the standing surface

Potential Limitations:

  • Operator might lose visual contact with the mower in uneven terrain


  • Community areas
  • Municipal areas
  • State roads
  • Military areas
  • Large areas that need foliage maintenance

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