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Hazardous waste management is a detailed process from start to finish, presenting multiple challenges for even experienced EHS professionals. To help you understand the fundamentals of hazardous waste management, VelocityEHS is excited to present our new resource, Cradle-to-Grave: Fundamentals of Hazardous Waste Management 

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Inside the Guide You’ll Find: 

The Hazardous Waste Lifecycle 

Hazardous wastes pose a significant threat to human health, safety, and the environment. Some, dubbed “forever chemicals” like PFAS & PCBs, can take thousands of years to decompose to a non-toxic state and others can remain hazardous indefinitely. That’s why regulators like EPA require generators to assume responsibility for hazardous wastes from “cradle-to-grave”. However, there are a lot of points in-between where risks can arise. It’s important to understand the pathways that hazardous wastes follow and identify steps where wastes can be reduced, recycled or re-used. Our guide maps out the hazardous waste lifecycle in simple terms.   

Hazardous Waste Statistics 

Did you know that in 2019, 34.9 million tons of hazardous waste were generated in the US by just 23,700 facilities? And that’s just the companies that generate more than 1,000 kg (2,200 lbs) of non-acute hazardous waste or more than 1 kg (2.2 lbs) of acute hazardous waste per calendar year (large quantity generators—LQGs). That’s the weight of 97 fully-laden very large crude carriers (VLCCs) every year, and the total annual hazardous waste generation in the US is likely even greater than that. This is just one of the interesting facts highlighted in our new guide that underscore the importance of effective hazardous waste management.   

Hazardous Waste Generator Requirements 

Do you generate hazardous wastes? Do you know your hazardous waste generator status, and what’s required based on that status? Our guide will also help you to determine your generator status (VSQG/SQG/LQG) and what’s required for each type of generator under EPA RCRA regulations.   

Download the Guide! 

Want to Know More About Waste Management, VelocityEHS Can Help! 

The VelocityEHS Accelerate® platform includes global enterprise ESG Software that is powerful enough to meet the GHG and environmental compliance management needs of companies of any size. Our best-in-class ESG Software includes intuitive hazardous waste management capabilities that give you a comprehensive system for managing every aspect of your waste program including RCRA hazardous waste reporting and compliance, shipment manifesting, TRI reporting automation, cost and rebate tracking, EPA waste code assignment, storage time tracking, and automated alerts to help you stay on top of all of your hazardous waste management action items.  

Contact us or Request a Demo today to learn how VelocityEHS can help you.