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Having solid estimations of costs and return-on-investment for a new program are crucial for getting executive buy-in and consistent support. Some programs, like ergonomics, can be difficult to get approved because they would be implemented to rectify a long-term issue. When determining whether to invest in a program, decision-makers want to know if they’ll get money back, when they’ll get it, and how much money that would be.  

To help you accurately determine an estimated ROI for an ergonomics program, two innovative calculators are now available for use on These calculators—one for estimating the ROI of an ergonomics program and one for estimating the ROI of completing ergonomics improvements for specific jobs—were developed by board-certified professional ergonomists and have been tested relentlessly to ensure that they give you a clear vision of the future for your program or the improvements you implement. 

Check out the new tools! 

And, to help you gain a deeper understanding of ROI and cost justification, join us today, Tuesday, October 19th, for the “Calculating an ROI for Ergonomics” webinar, presented by certified professional ergonomist (CPE) and Principal Solutions Strategist with VelocityEHS, Rick Barker, and Jennie Dustin, CPE, certified safety professional (CSP), Senior Manager of Consulting with VelocityEHS. 

During the webinar, you’ll learn the types of information available to help you justify your ergonomics improvements and the pros, cons, and applicability of each.  

In addition to the traditional approaches, the hosts will introduce the use of a cost-justification estimator, including the new VelocityEHS Ergonomics ROI Calculators, to efficiently and effectively project the financial benefit, and demonstrate the application of different data sources in developing a cost-benefit analysis.  

While the methods and examples discussed in the upcoming webinar are specific to ergonomics, these concepts could apply to most health and safety improvement efforts! You can still register now so that you don’t miss out.